
New Day

Guess what?!

I love the paragraphs starting with "Guess what?". It's full of energy. Isn't it?

Remember when I wrote I'm tired of doing nothing and how boring the life is and so on? It was almost a month ago. And now I don't have even time to do homework of my classes!

I think after years I finally got the job I'm really interested in. Of course I loved most of careers I've ever had, but this is an exception!

It's a job which deals with teenagers, beside the lovely and believer coworkers, lots of creativity and things to learn, with a strong cultural and educational base, and the most important part is a very skilled and experienced interior manager.

Thursday I had a difficult interview with the general manager and the interior manager who was the one recommended me to them. And yesterday I started my work.

My position is something like the expert of cultural and social affairs. It needs lots of thoughts, creativity, providence, study, search and far too energy and of course patience.

Oh! How anxious I am! What if I can't manage the tasks? What if the workspace would not be what I had thought? ...

Hey! Why am I not concerned about them not be pleased with my work? :D Good point, eh? At least I'm so confident about myself!

Anyhow for a while, I will work with the expert manager whom I'm really admiring. This is a great chance to learn many things from his experience and rich information, and to grow my moral and professional qualities.

Oh God! Help me, Please! Help me to adjust my classes, my works and my personal life and to do my best!

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